A pan-African project
In late 2018 Clipessence won a tender for this ambitious project. The GIZ is very strongly supporting the pan-African project ComCashew (Competitive Cashew Initiative). Its objective is to improve the competitiveness of the Cashew value chain in selected African countries. The video was produced in very close cooperation with ComCashew.
Successfully shown on the Grüne Woche Fair
The result of the project is a 5 minute 360° video that was shown successfully on the Grüne Woche Fair in Berlin in January 2019 using oculus go glasses. It is also posted on YouTube. An English and a French version are planned and a successor production is contracted.
The equipment used for this video is an INSTA 360 pro 2, recording at 8K with 60 frames per second. The resulting video has 4K and includes spatial sound.